[IIP-5] Operating Agreement

Latest version of operating agreement.

See the operating agreement voting rules discussions here: Operating Agreement: DAO Voting Rules and full agreement text is available here. For security reasons, file md5 hash: 0d277724bbb1e70c84e604a904acee32.

Please note that personalised information, not related to the content of the agreement was removed for the confidentiality purposes.

I propose something like this.

"We need to adopt the Operating Agreement for our Marshal Islands non-profit IPv4DAO LLC.

The proposed operating agreement can be found at the following link:

(md5 hash is 54ef303352eba17862c5c69e236b1ec9)

See the corresponding operating agreement voting rules discussion here:

Please note that personally identifiable information, not related to the content of the agreement, was removed for confidentiality purposes.

Voting Options:
“Agree, adopt related Operating Agreement”
“Disagree, do not adopt related Operating Agreement”

Could someone please check the md5 hash for the file from their side? I’ve changed it a bit as I anonymized the PDF.
